Our Mission
Winona Christian School is dedicated to providing our students with a Christian based college preparatory education, balancing spiritual, academic, athletic, fine arts, and social achievements.
A Word from our Headmaster
Thank you for your interest in Winona Christian School. Although educating our children is one of our greatest challenges, the Winona Christian School community has made a strong commitment to provide the best education possible to its students. Our teachers and administrator have made a commitment to honor and value the trust of our stakeholders.
Our mission at Winona Christian School is to empower all students with the knowledge, the attitudes, and the life skills that are essential for them to thrive as responsible citizens in our ever-changing global society.
Our goals include:
Attain a high level of student academic and extra-curricular achievement.
Provide a safe, healthy, and positive K-12 environment.
Ensure that Winona Christian School remains financially solvent.
The Board of Trustees and I thank you for visiting our website and encourage you to visit our school. Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information.
Jimmy O. Pittman